But, I'd be happy to share with you the after. This is 16 years (more or less) worth of toys and games that we plowed through. I think I did a big purge a few years ago so maybe it's not 16 years worth of stuff anymore. But still, it was huge! 4 big bags went into the garbage, I've got 1 in the back of my van for donating and we sorted and emptied 5 "blueberry bins". All that's left upstairs is one big bin for "one piece toys", a box of Lincoln Logs, a bin of Brio, a bin of dress-up stuff (why? I'm not really sure) and a bin of Sesame Street remote control race track. All the games and puzzles went into hanging bags .
Now onto my homeschool bookshelves!
cool work bees
I have some dejunking to do myself!
Most of it involves boxes of stuff that havent been unpacked since the move! I guess if I havent needed it in the last 9 months i probably wont need it!!
Right on! I could use some motivation to do the same.
My four year old daughter has a very messy playroom that needs to be cleaned and thinned out. After seeing what you did, I am now ready to tackle what I have been avoiding.
Hi Kari!
Wow! What a load off - literally. It feels so good to tackle such a huge decluttering project, doesn't it? WHAT are you doing with all that new space?!
Auntie M.
Highly Effective, Wonderfully Simple Home Management
I am inspired, but not yet too motivated
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