Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's That Time Of The Year Again

At this same time every year, like clockwork, it happens. Just about the same time Brett Favre thinks about coming out of retirement, my little boys see dollar signs in the yard.

Funny, I always thought they were dandelions.

Shows you how much I know.

I stopped paying for flowers but instead upped the ante and only pay for roots. This makes the getting harder, it requires tools. But what boy doesn't love using tools to get the job done?

It takes a few days.

They poke...

They pull...

They sort...

They count...

They add up...

They plan...
They tell each other funny stories while they work...

They make memories for themselves...
And me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are places I know all over town that they could make a fortune.